A trademark registration takes about 6 months to 1 year to process a trademark registration application. Moreover, once the trademark gets registered, it is valid for a time period of 10 years which can be easily renewed every 10 years before expiry of the trademark.
Yes, provisional GSTIN number can be used till final GSTIN is issued.
The taxpayers can claim the refund of accumulated input tax credit if certain conditions get satisfied. First, the applicant must file form RFD-01, with the supporting documents, within the time limit given under the Section 54 of the CGST Act read with Rule 89 of the CGST Rules.
If a business is operating in two different states, then the first two numbers of the GSTIN would change, while the PAN of the entity would remain the same. Also, in case of more than one GST registration within a state, then the entity code would also change.
Section 23 (1) states that persons who are engaged in supplying goods or services or both that are not liable to be tax or persons who are engaged in supplying of goods or services or both that are wholly exempted from tax, then, such persons are not required to obtain GST registration.
At the end of any Tax Period.
You can have one GST for multiple business types.
A tax period is the period for which return is required to be furnished.